Monday, 9 December 2019

Remember this when you vote on Thursday

Many things about this General Election make it very difficult to decide who to vote for, but one thing that is very clear to me is who not to vote for:

Conservative Party policies have resulted in our fire & rescue services suffering the biggest cuts since World War 2. 

Conservative Chancellors have cut funding to fire & rescue authorities with no regard for the consequences. 

Conservative Ministers responsible for fire & rescue services have lied about funding being adequate and falsely claimed that there will be no cuts to front-line services.

Conservative Members on fire & rescue authorities have failed to demand fairer funding and falsely claimed cuts are modernisation.

Conservative politicians dishonestly claim there is a link between the number of calls and the resources required. The only link is between resources and the speed and effectiveness of the response.

Less Resources = Slower & Less Effective Response

The Conservative manifesto talks about more funding for some public services, which is basically undoing some of the cuts they made, but the fire & rescue service will continue to be cut.

Voting Conservative will ensure that when people are in danger they will have to wait ever longer for less firefighters to arrive on less capable fire engines.

Cuts cost lives
Conservative politics cost lives

Reckless decisions put more South West lives in danger

Cornwall No rescue ladder at Launceston Cornwall County Council's decision to remove the only fire engine with a long ladder (13.5 metre...